

I'm a software engineer by trade, although I trained as an aerospace engineer and have found ways (flying, building pilot-focused software) to keep that passion alive.

I started writing software because I had things I wanted to exist, and I loved the malleability of the medium and the fast iteration cycles. With so few constraints, good design decisions really shine in a way I find very rewarding.

I've started several companies myself, and had the good fortune to work with/for a ton of startups and a few larger companies while I ricocheted around the planet. I got to spend a couple years in Asia, a few more years in Europe, and, more recently, I've landed back on the eastern shore of America with my wife and puppy.

The things I've learned and friends I've made helping small teams try, grow, succeed, and sometimes watching them fail are irreplaceable to me. I carry those lessons with me and try to use them to avoid (and help others avoid) the same mistakes.

Some of the fine folks I've worked with/for:

Interested in working together? You can drop me a line anytime at [email protected]


New York City
October 2024